Your Association

Your association and your ability to network are as important as your skills and knowledge. You cannot succeed financially if you surround yourself only with those who see nothing good about what you do, or who discourage you from making any positive effort.

However, surrounding yourself with those who hold you accountable, who give you meaningful ideas, and those who encourage your efforts gives you that confidence and the energy to stay consistent and committed to the wealth cause. To succeed in building wealth, surround yourself with those who think wealth and who build wealth. Weed out the negative energy around you, and you are on your way to achieving financial success. 

Networking is a very important skill. Your ability to network gives you the opportunity to market your skills and knowledge, your products, and services. Networking opens a lot of doors to financial success. Go out there and meet people. Communicate, share ideas, and follow up on your contacts. Ideas and inspiration can come from anywhere. One idea from one person can open several other ideas. When you lose your job, your business or other investments, a strong connection you made may be your key to jumping back on your feet. If you are not leveraging the power of networking, now is the time. However, do not just go out there, be strategic and do it with purpose.